
This page was created merely for the purpose of my Journalism course in Szabist. The subject of my content here would be fairly diversified and purposeful. I hope you all find some useful information and some new perspectives to life.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The begining of a perfect affair...

 Enjoy reading another chaotic theory of perception. It explains the realms of an affair based on interest and sparks. Perhaps even more aspects we haven't taken into account, thus this is just one of the perceptions of a situation we all would face at some point in our life. 
And so the situation undergoes...

So your partner, a friend (opposite gender to your partner) and yourself are sitting at a table for three.

The friend is pulling your leg, throwing in some fun lines you tend to think are directed at you. Mainly in context to your common gay humor. Your partner responds to it, acting all safe and you're nothing but the medium they talk to having their fun. You believe they're all involved in enjoying your jokes but in reality whats happening? You don't exist your just a medium their talking to each other through. The friend shows a new pic of him/herself that contains some degree of intrigue and attractiveness. You, out of good will involve your partner in the joke, showing them the pic too. They're clearly intrigued saying "wow who's that?" and you point saying its your friend's friend and they say, not him the other guy in the background. The friend smiles saying its his/her trainer! The next statement you hear is wow, he sure is attractive with a good compliment.

Now while in reality what could be happening is you're partner commenting on the friends pic with interest, but camouflaging it with the guy that called the friend's friend. The message is delivered and the subliminal flirting perhaps has gone to a complete new level.

Your sent to get your partner's favorite drink, while your there getting it, your friend plays a prank driving off.

Clearly a sign of a joke! However, that may not always be the case. What it could mean is, 'forget this fella and let's get together just you and I.'

You enter the car, and you're laughing along. Oblivious to the fact that there's flirting and moments alone between your friend and your partner.

Another fine case would be, coming in late for the arrival, to help give you and your partner a ride

but being a polite person showing all the good traits and developing interest and throwing in subliminal jokes in the conversation, while you believe your talking to your friend, in effect the friend is talking to your partner throwing in compliments and a mere message of "this person wont get what I'm talking about, what about you play along with me darling?"

While your in the conversation they fake laugh at anything you say to make you believe that you have a good sense of humor only to keep the conversation with your partner coming along.
 whats ironic, after the entire event, you and your friend drop your partner to their place on the way back and you strike a conversation and they say, they're a nice person, but not the marriage kind for you. There would be too many issues between you both in the future. They call it an (honest friends advice) further more, reinforcing it, saying they would say the same to your partner. It's only to pave their way in, and steal there partner to show superiority and mastering of their skills to get what ever they want.

The partner too plays along, because they feel thrilled to find someone with such clear subliminal messages, to enjoy a flirt session with. While flirting with you, or showing they don't like to be flirted with, just giving the cue to your friend that 'its all a game'.

This, fellow readers is a great start to a happy, life long affair. But the question arises how far would this ditch go? The role of the main character has to have the attributes of a rather open minded, self less and devoted lover. The person should be able to contain the possessive behavior towards their partner, Be very easy going regarding their partners friends circle and who all they communicate with. Furthermore, the love devotion should be so selfless, that the aspect of expecting anything in return should be almost completely negligible. The last but not the least aspect would be the inner curiosity to investigate the depth of this 'rabbit hole'.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Monday Blues?!

 What are Monday blues?
According to wikianswers "its when your sick and you are always having a bad day on monday

This account is for the 22/12/2007 specific. According to a site;
"More than 85 per cent of us expect the future to be happier than it is now, according to researchers.

Dr Cliff Arnall, a Cardiff University psychologist, devised the formula that shows today is the most depressing.
His equation takes into account six factors: weather, debt, time since Christmas, time since failing our new year?s resolutions, low motivational levels and the feeling of a need to take action.

Taken together they pinpoint today as 'Blue Monday'."

Whats more interesting is the entire phenomenon behind the Monday blues. A popular site came across this topic and found a way to confront and tolerate this 'problem'.

There's actually a scientific explanation behind those dreaded Monday morning blues. Our internal clocks naturally operate on a day that is longer than 24 hours. By the time Monday rolls around each week, we've built up a sleep deficit of at least an hour. Of course, the weekend revelries and facing another work week don't help matters. Here are some tips to make Monday mornings a little easier.


  1. If you can, sleep in an extra hour on Monday mornings. Going to bed early on Sunday night doesn't always help because most people will remain awake until their usual bedtime.
  2. If you can't sleep in by a full hour (and most of us can't), take action Sunday night to shorten your morning preparation time so that you can set the alarm for 15 minutes later than usual. Wash your hair, pack lunches, lay out your outfit or pack your briefcase on Sunday night.
  3. Hop out of bed the moment you wake up on Monday morning. Lingering in that downy comforter will only draw out the agony.
  4. End your shower with a jolt of cold water to tear yourself out of your grogginess. Or exercise in the morning to get your blood pumping and to release those feel-good endorphins.
  5. Get out in the sunlight. Bright light tells your body that it is indeed the morning and helps reset your internal clock.
  6. Drink coffee or another caffeine beverage. Although it's not healthy to drink caffeine to the point of addiction, caffeine, when used in moderation, can give your Monday mornings that much-needed oomph and alertness.
  7. Anticipate your Monday morning on Friday afternoon. Fight the temptation to race away from a messy desk. Clean up your desk and leave yourself a to-do list to make Monday morning a little more tolerable.
    This phenomenon continues till date, oddly in all regions. Monday's being the beginning of the weekdays perhaps is a strong influencial factor. A retired individual, or a tourist out on vacation may find Mondays less depressing, however no studies yet have been found to give an accurate and authentic account.


Saturday, August 14, 2010

At 63 years of independance.

Salam Alaikum and warm greetings to all.

It's 14th August, a most well respected day. It starts with horns, dances, non-silenced motorcycle toots and almost everyone out on the road playing the tune of "Dil Dil Pakistan" with what ever they could find. It would be an eventful day, one worth taking a day off for. The beaches would be well populated, roads filled with festive mood Pakistani's and the entertaining motorcyclists riding their way in anything but a straight line. Televisions would show musical events all across Pakistan, broadcasts from P.T.V to Khyber and Sindh. The day would continue on like the sun's approach to it's horizon. Dimming away as the night arrives to embrace the city, with a warm reply lights floods the city streets. Neon Signs, Bun kebab and Chai Wala's pull their carts along the street where they can cater to a larger crowd. Neighbors retire on the seats with chai and lighting their cigarettes to enjoy the hustle bustle. Children crowd around ice cream and gola ganda carts. A fellow walks by shouting, advertising the swings and games are available for kids to ride. Even during the Holy Islamic month of Ramadan, the nights would be even more filled with the noise and laughter of Pakistanis crowding around.

Well, that's the way i remember 14th August from the days of my past. But today was different. Roads had deserted and the spirits of 14th August was somewhere hidden. Perhaps in the darkest deepest regions for us Pakistani's fears. The mere laughter of a child was shut by his parents. Crows went silent watching the dead city turn from its sunlight into the dusky mist. Houses where the noise and music would never die went silent. The traffic lights where the beggars refused to leave, were left abandoned. The city slept the sleep of timelessness. The night is yet to arrive, but the hustle bustle of daylight events echo in my head from the distant memories of my past.
It's not joys they seek to avoid. But respect for the dead. It all made sense when a fellow updated his status update saying "Happy B'day Pakistan, but please don't have a blast!". It made sense the "narebaz" had quietened and the citizens of Pakistan watched their motherland. No one played loud music this day, but silence was attempted to be maintained in respect for the mass citizens wiped out. The mass killing that occurred hardly a year or two down the memory lane. An old philosopher on the radio added to the serenity of the atmosphere. His voice cracked as he spoke out contrasting the current day with the day when Pakistan was born. He spoke " When Pakistan was born, the people chase the nation. But today, the nation chases for its people". His last word echos in my ear, like for that moment my skull seems empty. It's not his words that leave me bewildered, but the tone of his voice that connected too well to the emotions that pulled the strings behind that very phrase he spoke.
The night went even more silent, the kind we all have experienced before. Somewhat of the moment when the clacking heels of that strict teacher back in our high school memories entered the classroom and cracked her cane stick on the table top remind us all of the silence that we were to maintain. It was the silence where the wind even feared to be heard. A few men run to the closest mosque as the call for prayer starts. They scatter all around some rushing to the room of ablution and some straight into the mosque. But nothing more happens, the wind wheezes past a few trees and the sounds of branches bending becomes more obvious. The night still moves on.
This is the night of Independence. The night of remembrance of the dead beloved. No flutes play, no drums can be heard, just the deafening of the chilled silent night.
This is at 63 years of independence.